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How are you feeling about Christmas? Are you excitedly looking forward to the festive season, or are you feeling utterly overwhelmed thinking about how you are going to deal with Christmas anxiety? For many of us, we are so caught up in our quest and preoccupation to fulfil the ‘perfect Christmas’, while also juggling our[…]

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Many of us find the seemingly straight-forward act of accepting a compliment so damn difficult, without really understanding why. If this sounds familiar, you are definitely not alone, and I’d like to help you begin to accept the love and care that a compliment is intended to provide. Let’s look at: – Why we find[…]

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Today I’m going to talk to you a bit about why grief hurts so much and what you can expect from the pain of grief over time using a really lovely and simple analogy that a lot of my clients have found helpful. Now, grief is a universal human experience. We will all at some[…]

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