How can you get the right therapist?

We know that taking the first step to getting support for your mental health is a nerve-wracking experience and causes some people to feel apprehensive. So in this post, I’d like to share a bit more about our initial consultation, and some information about us, how we work, and how we make sure you get the right therapist, to try to alleviate any worries or concerns you may have.


Let’s start by telling you a little more about Altum Health…

  • Our experienced clinicians are able to treat a broad range of mental health issues, but we specialise in eating disorders, anxiety, depression, trauma, and body image struggles.


  • We’re a multi-disciplinary team of registered professional psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and dietitians, offering a diverse range of expertise.


  • Between us, we offer years of experience in a wide variety of therapeutic disciplines, including CBT, schema therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, compassion focussed therapy, EMDR, and somatic therapies.


  • We work with both adolescents and adults, as well as families and can offer family-based treatments for eating disorders. We’re also interested in neurodivergence and offer ADHD and ASD assessments.


  • We have a number of junior associates on the team, offering the opportunity for clients to receive lower cost therapy with advanced level trainees. 


  • We take our work seriously, but we hold our expertise lightly. We’re proud to offer a relaxed and comfortable environment where our clients feel safe to express themselves freely without fear.


The first step: The initial consultation

We are a small business, independently owned. While we are held to account by our professional governing bodies, we have the autonomy to ensure our decisions are always in the best interests of each individual client. And this begins the very first time a client gets in touch.  

We offer a free, 20-minute initial consultation with either myself (Dr Courtney, founder and clinical director of Altum Health), Dr Lauren Coles, our clinic manager, or another senior member of our team. 

This is a relaxed chat for you to get to know us and find out more about how we could help you. We might talk about your experiences of therapy in the past, whether you have any preferences, or if there are any particular treatment options you’d like to explore. 

Following our initial consultation, we’re able to evaluate whether – as an outpatient service – we’re able to meet your needs, whether we feel you’d benefit from a more formal assessment, or indeed if we’re able to go ahead and match you with the right therapist to work with you and your unique situation.  


The right therapist

The therapeutic fit is the most important element in achieving a positive outcome in therapy. That is, there has to be the right chemistry between a client and therapist.

We’re not just about connecting clients with whoever is available. As we’ve touched upon, an important part of the initial consultation is understanding our client’s individual needs to help ensure we can provide the right therapist for you. Most of the time, we’re able to do this quite accurately. But if the initial therapist you’re introduced to doesn’t feel like the right one, it’s not a problem. We always say to come back and try again with someone else.  


What else can you expect from Altum Health?

As founder and clinical director of Altum Health, I’m heavily invested in creating the right culture within our practice. A culture that embodies passion, warmth, and professionalism. We’re not a rigid organisation – you’d be hard-pushed to find anyone in a suit! We believe that through our own behaviours, as clinicians, we should model how rich life is and the importance of connection, finding joy, and being with one another. 

Here are five more things you might be keen to know about us:

1. A holistic approach

Mental health issues are often complex and multifaceted. They require a holistic treatment plan involving more than one specialist.

As a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and dietitians, we’re pleased to be able to offer a diverse spectrum of expertise that allows our clients to benefit from a comprehensive treatment plan, tailored to their needs. 

2. Clinical expertise

The team at Altum Health boasts exceptional clinical expertise, with many of us having extensive experience of working in NHS services. 

This expertise, combined with a commitment to ongoing professional development and best practices, ensures that our clients receive the very best, high-quality care.

3. Accessibility

As an independent practice, we keep the forms and red tape to a minimum. We’re quick to respond to our clients’ needs and our small, close-knit team makes sure everyone is on the same page and that we’re able to readily adapt to our clients’ needs.

4. Flexibility and creativity

We’re a modern, vibrant clinic with a creative and relational approach to therapy. We are always open to different ways of working. For example, if our clients feel more comfortable sitting on the floor, we can look at sitting on the floor. If clients want to have a therapeutic session outdoors, we can talk about taking it outside. Similarly, if an online session is preferable, we can explore that possibility while ensuring it aligns with your treatment goals. Our approach is based on trust, collaboration, and ensuring our clients get what they need from our time together. 

5. Warmth and professionalism

People will often say to me that the team at Altum Health is friendly and approachable, offering a real sense of warmth and empathy within a professional space. 

We’re proud to offer our clients a supportive, welcoming, and non-judgemental environment where they feel valued and safe to express themselves openly. 


Book a free initial consultation with us

We hope this article has helped you to understand a bit more about how we make sure that you get the right therapist and the right treatment, and how we could help support you with your mental health difficulties. 

We welcome you to get in touch to book your free, 20-minute consultation so we can help you on your journey to recovery. 

Take care,

Dr Courtney


Read what our clients say about us: 8 reasons to choose Altum Health

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