
[Read Transcript] Hey there I am back in my office, in the city, yeah! Even if it is just seeing my clients online from here, it’s really nice to be back. It feels so good. And I hope that soon I can see people face to face, it’ll be so good. Anyway I just wanted[…]

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[Read Transcript] Hi there. It’s Dr Courtney Raspin, and it is almost Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday, even after 20 years here in London. I always look forward to Turkey Day (we call it Turkey Day in our house). It’s the only holiday that is all about stepping back, giving thanks, being with your[…]

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Today I’m going to talk to you a bit about why grief hurts so much and what you can expect from the pain of grief over time using a really lovely and simple analogy that a lot of my clients have found helpful. Now, grief is a universal human experience. We will all at some[…]

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